The word Lacavore was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2007. Since then the idea of eating locally grown and produced products has grown in popularity and its easy to see why.
Locavores Unite!!! 6 reasons to hit your Farmer's Market this weekend
1. Freshness! Locally grown produce purchased from your farmer's market was picket just a day or 2 before while. "fresh" produce like apples at the grocery store can be over a year old! ( yes a year... check it out)
2. Nutrition! The more time that passes from picking to plate the lower the nutritional values become.
3. Taste! Picked at the last minute locally produce is at it's height of yumminess and nutritional values.
4. Organic! Most local farmers or small organic farms who believe in avoiding pesticides and fungicides.
5. Money! Buying local boosts your local economy and is a step towards regional food self reliance.
6. Mother Earth! Buying and eating local saves energy and reduces pollution. Did you know that one fifth of all petroleum now used in the United States is used in agriculture.
AP Apiaries, Alley Cat Candles and Soap, Annie's All Purpose Hot Sauce, Bee True Products, Bumpkin Farm goat milk soap, Caliper plants, Coffee del Rey, Cowgirl Brand TX olive oil, Earth on Tap Juices, Glaze Cupcakery, Kalos Farm Lamb, Kids Farm Eggs, Kitchen Pride Mushrooms, Manas Spices, McLemore Ranch Beef, Nate's Raw Harvest, Purple Ranch Lavender, Providence Ranch Pecans, Spring Creek Organic Farm, St Lucia Bread Co., Tejas Farm Tamales, Truth Hill Farm, Village Bakery, Wholemade by Jen, Wholesome Habit Vege Chips
Share your Local Markets with us! Comment below or Post on the Farm Girl Fitness facebook page.
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Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:
#farmersmarket #eatingfresh #collincountyfarmersmarket #jacobsrewardfarmgirls #jacobsrewardfarm #fitness #motivation #settinggoals
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The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
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