Monday, October 6, 2014

What are you harvesting this fall?

Well fall is officially here, even though it’s still hot outside in Texas! 

I know I am looking forward to cooler weather and the leaves starting to change colors.  Leaves are changing and the hard work of the spring is paying off with the fall harvest. As Cindy has been cultivating her new book "Giving Away the Farm"  I have been taking courses. She's preparing to publish her first book in November as I launch my new career as a real estate agent. It is a time of celebration for us on Jacob's Reward Farm. It’s also time for October maintenance and fall gardening for "townies" and farm girl's alike.

October to do list: 

  • Change out your HVAC filter.
  • Test your Smoke Detectors in the house and the barn. Make sure the batteries are in good working order.
  • Make sure all exposed water pipes are insulated or wrapped with heat tape.
  • Clean your back patio furniture, barbecue grill, etc… and store them properly for next season.
  • Remove all the annuals from your flowerbeds & add them to your compost pile.
  • Plant pansies, decorative cabbages, and bulbs for color next spring like daffodils and tulips. (I really LOVE planting bulbs and anticipating them coming up in the spring!)
  • Cover the beds with a layer of mulch to prepare it for spring and to help control weeds
  • Mow your lawn on a lower setting, thatch your lawn with a steel rake, and aerate if required
  • Mulch trees and shrubs as well.
  • Remove dead and diseased branches on your trees so your home is not damaged during high winds or winter ice storms.
  • Enjoy the cooler weather and the calm before the holiday rush begins! 
What are you harvesting this fall?  

Friday, August 22, 2014

Spring has sprung.... are you ready for summer???

Spring has sprung down on the farm! Lots of new life down at the farm these days! Chick, ducklings, baby bunnies...  all bursting onto the scene full of energy! 

It's time of new projects, (Psst... Cindy is writing a book... check it out ),  planting flowers and veggies, school years ending, and summer vacations starting.

For me spring time is both  inspiring and rejuvenating!  I spent the weekend in San Francisco with my sweet husband. We climbed mountains, walked through forests, and strolled by the sea. It felt wonderful to be out enjoying mother nature at her finest as she displayed her spring finery. 

One thing the newness of spring does for me is to inspire "spring cleaning" and that means cleaning out closets. I take this time of year to get rid of anything I haven't worn  in the past year, anything that doesn't fit right, and anything that doesn't make me feel confident and pretty. 

 Before you can blink twice spring will be over, summer will be here and with it will be shorts and swim suit season! One thing I hate is swimsuit shopping. I swear each year I am going to open a swimsuit store that serves wine and the dressing rooms are lit with candlelight! No matter our size it seems swimsuit shopping just highlights all that is less than perfect with our bodies. What is "perfect" anyway? Even top models are photoshopped to absurdity. I accept myself and my figure. I strive for healthy not commercial perfection. I want to be the best me I can be. That means embracing my age, my natural hair color, and my body. Still I like to put my best foot forward... be it wearing a rubber boot, flip flop, or high heel. 

It's easy for us Farm girls and city girls to spend the day in our "work/chore clothes" however what girl doesn't want to look and feel as pretty as a spring rose? I have learned a few tricks from the experts who have helped me to shop better and choose figure flattering styles.  I highly recommend you check them out. One of my favorite sites is  Fabulous after 40 the other is My Private Stylist both have helped me to dress my best... and stay in budget too :) No  money wasted on items that take up space in the closet and are never worn.

Check out my website to learn more about, or find me on Facebook:

Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:

#jacobsrewardfarmgirls #fitness

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls Any content or information provided by Jacob's Reward Farm Girls  is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. Jacob's Reward Farm Girls bears no responsibility thereof.
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to get kids to eat ( and enjoy) summer fresh fruits and veggies!

Summer is flying by! In June, Cindy was super busy with Farm CampThe kids LOVED it! They meet the animals up close, gathered fresh eggs, worked magic with wool and yarn, refueled with healthy snacks, experienced stories about farm life, played outdoors with new friends, created art projects with natural materials, and grew plants from seeds!

I am busy helping to watch my precious grandson who is here for a month. We have gone on nature walks, to museums, made trips to the grocery store, cooked meals together, read books, and watched movies. Plus, he has been my faithful work out partner.  

What a gift and joy it is to spend time with young ones! Teaching them about where their food comes from, how to cook and eat healthy, how to exercise and take care of their bodies. If you start them young and instill good habits they will make healthy choices for themselves.

Many of you Farm Girls have kids home this summer... here is one of my new favorite things to do. Have your kids pick out a veggie.  Research recipes together and pick out one to try, then  shop and cook together. It is a fantastic way to get kids to try new veggies and discover new healthy foods.

Take it even further and have them plant and grow the veggies to try later on this summer. Just make sure you don't use any pesticides on your veggies. If you live in town try planting your veggies in a container. The important thing is to have fun with your kids teaching them about where their foods come from, and enjoy planting, growing, and eating healthy with them. 

I know they keep you busy and it often feels like there is no time to cook but the fastest fast foods are fresh fruits and veggies... simply wash and enjoy! Keep "snacks" ready to go in the fridge. I have a place in the fridge of "anytime" foods. Things they can grab whenever they like, even 5 minutes before dinner! 

In this area I keep containers of baby carrots or carrot sticks, celery sticks, sliced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, sliced of green, red, and yellow bell peppers, bite size pieces of cheese, grapes, strawberries, sliced apples, and melon slices. You can even make dips for them out of organic plain yogurt. Add spices to make it savory for veggies, and a touch of honey and cinnamon to make is sweet for the fruit. This makes snacking fun, easy and healthy.

Enjoy all the lovely fresh fruits and veggies available at you local farmers market. It's a great day out for the family and the nutritional rewards continue throughout the week as you nosh on all the yummy fresh treats you found. Mmmmmm!

Check out my website to learn more about, or find me on Facebook:

Free Shipping FITBIT

Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:

#jacobsrewardfarmgirls #fitness

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls Any content or information provided by Jacob's Reward Farm Girls  is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. Jacob's Reward Farm Girls bears no responsibility thereof.
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
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Monday, June 16, 2014

Oh no she didn't... Oh yes she did!

When I am out with family and friends, or at a party where people know what I do for a living, people watch what I eat and make comments often joking about how they’re going to tattle-tale on me by posting pics on Facebook! 

The truth is that I don’t eat “perfectly healthy” all the time and I don’t hit the gym every day either.  I am all about experiencing life to the fullest! I believe the best way to do that is by cultivating general habits that create a healthy lifestyle and leave room for celebrations and occasional indulgences.

This is the time of year for weddings, graduations, family reunions, and BBQ’s with friends. The menus you will face are going to be far from ideal. Offer to bring a dish, take small portions, and you do what you can to enjoy the fun and incorporate healthy choices. It’s ok to have a piece of grandma’s peanut butter pie at the family bbq just make it a small one and invite the family to join you for an evening stroll around the block later that evening .  Enjoy the champagne toast and wedding cake. Those occasional indulgences are okay and encouraged provided what you do on a routine daily basis is make healthy choices.

I confess. I am guilty as charged. I love a party, or going to my favorite Mexican cantina, drinking a margarita, and enjoying a night on the town.  Surprised? Why would I, a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Fitness Coach, do this?  Because I believe a healthy lifestyle isn’t about deprivation. It is all about balance.

The question I ask myself is this: are my lifestyle choices and routine habits serving me well? Do I have balance in my lifestyle habits? Eating, sleeping, exercising… my lifestyle habits either fuel me up or drag me down. 

The next time you have a few free minutes – maybe when you are driving, or sipping your morning cup of joe… take a moment to consider how your lifestyle habits are serving you.  Do you feel good? Is your soul at peace? Are you energetic? Do you feel rested? Are you a healthy weight? Can you easily participate in activities?

A few questions to consider as you evaluate your current daily habits:

- Am I sleeping well? (at least 6 hours uninterrupted sleep a night)

Mind and Soul:
- Am I routinely filling my mind with positive affirming thoughts?
- Do I pray or meditate daily?

- Am I regularly getting my 5 servings-a-day of fruits and veggies?
- Am I routinely eating healthy portions of healthy meals?

- Am I drinking enough water throughout the day? ( 8 cups a day… even more in the summer)

- Do I walk at least 30 minutes a day? (10,000 steps a day if you use a FitBit tracker)
- Do I exercise, take a fitness class, or lift weights 2-3 times a week?

If you are not feeling good, are not at peace, are not energetic, do not feel rested, are not a healthy weight, cannot easily participate in activities… choose to change.

Begin with one small change at a time. Create new habits and routines slowly. It takes time to develop habits so don’t despair if you fall off the wagon. Just make better choices tomorrow. Once you have fully incorporated one change add another. You may find that good choices easily build upon one another. As you feel better you are inclined to do more. If you are exercising you want to make good food choices. As you pray or meditate your mind is clearer and you feel motivated to exercise.

I challenge you to live a balanced healthy lifestyle eat well, exercise, enjoy, and indulge as you live a full balanced life… nothing is off limits as long as it is in balance! 

Check out my website to learn more about, or find me on Facebook:

Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:

#jacobsrewardfarmgirls #fitness

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls Any content or information provided by Jacob's Reward Farm Girls  is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. Jacob's Reward Farm Girls bears no responsibility thereof.
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
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Jacob's Reward Farm Girls website, or Facebook group or Twitter, or Blog, or YouTube, or other social media, etc… the reader, listener, and/or viewer does hereby acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to review this disclaimer and any other disclaimer or waiver.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's getting hot in here!

Ever heard the saying " If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"?  Well these days my kitchen is burning up!!

My daughter Sarah is home from college for a few weeks before heading back for summer classes. She has been living in a dorm the past two semesters. ALL of her food choices have come from the cafeteria or fast food joints (YUCK!). 

She hates not knowing where her food is sourced from and how it has been prepared.  I don't blame her for feeling frustrated and a bit under nourished. 

Finding healthy food and making wise choices has been almost impossible. She tends to make the least "poor" choice. No wonder freshman are putting on the "freshman 15".

We are totally taking advantage of her time at home and cooking up a storm! We wander the fresh food area of or local grocery. Looking for yummy things to try. The other day we found the cutest mini peppers. Looked for a recipe on the cell phone, grabbed the ingredients and tried something new.  They were awesome! This is a great tip for getting your kids to eat new veggies. Let them pick out a fresh ingredient and help you cook a new recipe together. They are much more likely to taste and like something they helped prepare.

We have also been reading labels, sourcing local food items, and trying lots of new recipes form ones she pinned on her Pinterest page while at school dreaming of good food and a kitchen to cook in.

The summer is a great time to try new veggies, fresh fruits, or branch out further and grow some herbs, plant a few seeds and see what you can produce.

I am loving having her here cooking away with me in the kitchen. It is hot in in this kitchen but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else these days!

Tell us what's cooking in your kitchen. Share your FAVORITE summer recipe below or on our Facebook page!

Check out my website to learn more about, or find me on Facebook:

Free Shipping FITBIT

Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:

#jacobsrewardfarmgirls #fitness

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls Any content or information provided by Jacob's Reward Farm Girls  is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. Jacob's Reward Farm Girls bears no responsibility thereof.
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Are you a Locavore???

Locavore: one who eats locally grown produce whenever possible. 
The word Lacavore was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2007. Since then the idea of eating locally grown and produced products has grown in popularity and its easy to see why.

Locavores Unite!!! 6 reasons to hit your Farmer's Market this weekend

1. Freshness! Locally grown produce purchased from your farmer's market was picket just a day or 2 before while. "fresh" produce like apples at the grocery store can be over a year old! ( yes a year... check it out)

2. Nutrition! The more time that passes from picking to plate the lower the nutritional values become.

3. Taste! Picked at the last minute locally produce is at it's height of yumminess and nutritional values.

4. Organic! Most local farmers or small organic farms who believe in avoiding pesticides and fungicides.

5. Money! Buying local boosts your local economy and is a step towards regional food self reliance.

6. Mother Earth! Buying and eating local saves energy and reduces pollution. Did you know that one fifth of all petroleum now used in the United States is used in agriculture

Our local Collin County Farmer's Market is on Saturday's 9am-12noon at 3314 N Central Expy Plano, TX. This week the following vendors will be there:

AP ApiariesAlley Cat Candles and SoapAnnie's All Purpose Hot SauceBee True ProductsBumpkin Farm goat milk soapCaliper plants, Coffee del ReyCowgirl Brand TX olive oil, Earth on Tap JuicesGlaze CupcakeryKalos Farm LambKids Farm EggsKitchen Pride MushroomsManas Spices, McLemore Ranch BeefNate's Raw HarvestPurple Ranch LavenderProvidence Ranch PecansSpring Creek Organic FarmSt Lucia Bread Co.Tejas Farm TamalesTruth Hill FarmVillage BakeryWholemade by JenWholesome Habit Vege Chips
Share your Local Markets with us! Comment below or Post on the Farm Girl Fitness facebook page.
Check out my website to learn more about, or find me on Facebook:

Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:

#farmersmarket #eatingfresh #collincountyfarmersmarket #jacobsrewardfarmgirls #jacobsrewardfarm #fitness #motivation #settinggoals

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls Any content or information provided by Jacob's Reward Farm Girls  is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. Jacob's Reward Farm Girls bears no responsibility thereof.
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
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Jacob's Reward Farm Girls website, or Facebook group or Twitter, or Blog, or YouTube, or other social media, etc… the reader, listener, and/or viewer does hereby acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to review this disclaimer and any other disclaimer or waiver.

Friday, April 4, 2014

2 Keys to Getting and Staying Motivated!

Before you change your diet, step on foot on a treadmill or pick up a weight let’s look at two key factors in getting fit: Motivation and goals.

Mental motivation is the key factor to successful lifestyle changes.  , Ask yourself, why am I doing this? Is it for yourself? Your spouse? To look good? To feel better? Whether it’s a single factor or many, the motivation to get in shape will be the core principle that get’s you up and moving drives every workout.

When you first start, when you’re six months or a year into a lifestyle fitness plan, there are going to be times when you simply don’t want to work out. You just won’t. These are the times when you’re going to need to refocus on why is it you’re working out. Not only is that okay, it is totally normal. Refocus = Rededication!

Once you have figured out why you want to get back in shape, find some way to remind yourself of this reason every day. Be it a picture on the refrigerator, a note tapped to the mirror, an inspirational bracelet, a background screen on your computer, whatever you choose make it something you can’t miss and that positively reinforces what you are doing.

After you have determined your motivation it is important that you set reasonable, obtainable, goals. You are not going to lose 30, 40, 50+ lbs in a week or a month. Too many times we fail in our quest for fitness because we go full speed on the first workout. If you don’t pull a something during the workout we wake up the next morning feeling like we have been run over by a truck. Our knees, back, and neck all hurt and we can barely stand. Many quit right here after just a single workout!

Setting and reaching goals is an essential part of creating lasting change. Having intermittent goals and  benchmarks that measure your progress along the way to your ultimate success provides  you with positive reinforcement that your efforts are worth your exertions.

Goals can be small or large. You might just want to walk a mile without stopping, drop 10 pounds, or complete a 5K charity race.  Don’t set unreasonable lofty  goals that won’t be  able to reach it in a reasonable amount of time. You might want to run a marathon some day but starting with a 2 mile fun run may be the better goal. If you find it difficult to define or set your goals this is something you can discuss with a lifestyle fitness coach, a personal trainer, or your doctor.

The key to remember is that no matter how out of shape you may think you are, getting back in shape is possible. It  may have taken you years to get to this point but you can get back on the road to health in a matter of weeks.  

The best thing about reaching your goals is you can easily set new ones when you accomplished  the others!

Share your Goals and Motivation with us! Comment below or Post on the Farm Girl Fitness facebook page.

Check out my website to learn more about, or find me on Facebook: FREE Shipping FITBIT

Check out Cindy's website to learn more about her:, or find her on Facebook:

#jacobsrewardfarmgirls #fitness

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any nutritional program or exercise program. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in Jacob's Reward Farm Girls Any content or information provided by Jacob's Reward Farm Girls  is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk. Jacob's Reward Farm Girls bears no responsibility thereof.
The information contained herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information contained in 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, information, third party information and/or advice, food, recipes, exercises, diets, psychology, websites, links, including but not limited to any content by employees, consultants or writers and contributors, and or any other material contained herein are for informational and educational purposes only.
By entering the 
Jacob's Reward Farm Girls website, or Facebook group or Twitter, or Blog, or YouTube, or other social media, etc… the reader, listener, and/or viewer does hereby acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to review this disclaimer and any other disclaimer or waiver.